Its now time, to shine
To mend, to mine
It’s getting late please
For the sake of time

Think huge and prop
Start from the smallest
Its a not that easy crop
God will help it harvest

Once you have started
Then no looking back
Because one bump that halted
Will make you lose the track

Learn from the past
Righteous thou you are
To make it sturdy
And for it to go far

Bend with the circumstances
Not for the power
Never forget your mission
Cause it’s the need of the hour

Hard as it may look
Far as it may go
Know the importance of the book
And then you should be ready to sow

Long it will take
To heal the nation from the ground
By working hard and staying awake
To reveal the path of éclat by leaps and bounds

Hurdles that will still come
Make you more optimistic
Stay calm and stay firm
Face the danger and make it realistic

Never forget your God
You will get what’s destined
It’s the ultimate truth, not a fraud
This will relax you and will refresh your mind

And in return of the hard work you will see
Merriment everywhere, success of real worth
Respect of our country, will make you glee
And Pakistan will once again be, a heaven on earth

Iftikhar Ahmed

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