Post midnight thoughts

As we dive further into 21st century, while the technological baby is getting out of infancy, most of us are already tangled in the sutures that has come along with this aging. Social networks, consoles, TV subscriptions, smart phones and all sorts of tech-baggage has pinned us down in a kowtow . The good part is that all these amenities are so spell binding, while at the same time violating our private spaces and most importantly tethering on our time. While i’m not a philanthropist and certainly not a motivational speaker but, the crucial thing that i’ve come to realize and probably you’d too with some effort maybe that, in course of sticking to the already available, we are missing on whats behind the curtain. While for some it would be the same junk in some other preposterous form – read flappy bird – for me its time, money and other relational investment. Crux is, the toys are not worthy of being played for all lives, so like children, fearless as they are, we need to break them to get to new ones.

Big question: Pro-Procrastinators as we are, how to get things done?

Answer: Bring out the worst evil and use against the man in the mirror [or the woman if you fit into one #lame]. Emotional blackmail yourself. Wage a ruthless war, whatever the outcome its you who is going to win. I have quit from many things that most of us are in the shackles of. Effectively stopped myself from ordering fizzy drinks with meals because someone is getting rich and all I’m getting is a sweet substance which is eventually cost me my liver and then doctors are gonna get rich.  There were other things, harder to accomplish, but they are far too personal to discuss for public consumption. My motivation is money, yours could be anything else, find what you love.  Start with small things,  make a big show out of it and as a symbol. Write these items on a list and cross them off. Cross this item off while proofreading for the impact.  Here are things i do not do that most of you don’t think of spending a day without: Don’t watch TV, My phone is dumb. Don’t send text messages, unless it is entirely important, i don’t like self implicating examples, you might as well disregard what i said. Point being, there is always a road going back, left or right, at the least you could travel back the same track. They say i’m too metaphorical and vague in my writing, probably they are right, but i see it as a breathing space; Just in-case the winds change direction.

Forgive me for sidetracking but Rome wasn’t built in a day and so wasn’t this blog post. My version of untangling ma sound like a hippy version of life, but its quite the contrary. I’m only trying to do the impossible, i.e. create time in a limited day, live more life than an average joe. The master of time is the true master of everything dependent on it – which is just about everything -. While it is useless to quote Napoleon’s example of the Waterloo war-front – Lack of historical depth of average reader – but its carries weight since time did cost a great general to  face defeat at hands of a fleeing force. If you have this valuable commodity in your palm, you can stop worrying about circumstances, since nothing can go against the tick-tock of a clock, not even the clock itself. Which brings us to management of time, and other to do items. Many of you use applications, gadgets, sticky notes and stuff, but remember the rule of navy, that when everything will fail [electronic equipment], only the ones who know the watchtowers will make it to the shore. Make yourself robust, your brain is capable of doing much better than is normally required of it. Memorize, do not write it down. When all your goals are in your head, there is no way anyone can sneak that knowledge from you, or can get you sidetracked. This might result in sleepless nights, but the reward of ultimate success knows no travelling pains.

… continued

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One thought on “Post midnight thoughts

  1. emphadiate says:

    I love, love, LOVE your initiative. Cutting back to the basics, to what matters. At a glance it *does* appear like “a hippie version of life” but on a closer look, it absolutely makes sense. I applaud you for it.

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