Monthly Archives: September 2009

Long Time No Post

September 11/09, AAHhhh , Time flies when you are having fun and it does so when one is engrossed in life or things related to life. It doesnt matter how boring your life can get, you always are involved in it without realizing, and when it occurs to you, the time you have spent dissolved in the cycle, its too late, feels like a blink. Time is absolute, events are relative or vice versa, both the cases no matter how far you get from your current stage, the events clock gets the control of your time, and makes it seem like a whim. Anyhow, a lot has happened since i visited this place last time, the most prominent of it being the fact that i am through with half of the university venture, and still single.. :P. i dont really know how to start my story. So i’ll try to toss and turn my head and collect myself to come in again tomorrow. till then, its bye from me.

– cheers!